Meta and Mesa

What does it mean to be meta?

Meta is interested in the parts of the whole; the properties or attributes of an entity or item. Meta deconstructs an entity or thought. 

One example of Meta deconstruction: a house is not just a house, it is a beige house with brown trim and a minimalistic style inside with white accents.

An example of Meta deconstruction in a social context: a group isn’t just cool, it is made up of Tom – who’s funny, Sally – who’s relaxed, and Liz – who’s a bit of a know-it-all but in a fun way. 

Meta is uniquely aware of the main properties of an object or idea, however what Meta gains in information organization it loses in information richness. Because of this, Meta will experience information retrieval much less vividly than Mesa.

Architecture with discrete sections representing the Meta functions of Ne, Si, Fe, and Ti in Physiotype, a personality typing system that distinguishes these functions differently from Objective Personality System, MBTI, and Socionics.
Color gradient painting representing the Mesa cognitive functions of Se, Ni, Te, and Fi in Physiotype, a personality typing system that differs from Objective Personality System, MBTI, and Socionics.

what does it mean to be mesa?

Mesa is interested in the whole, not the parts. It will treat a group of things as a unique entity, and will be more interested in said entity. Mesa builds an entity or a thought.

A house is a house.

A group is a group.

However, packed into the idea of “house” or “group” is a wealth of information. This information simply hasn’t been organized and deconstructed in the same way as Meta. What Mesa loses in information organization, it makes up for with vividness and comprehensiveness.

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