Third-party research papers
- In your face: facial metrics predict aggressive behaviour in the laboratory and in varsity and professional hockey players
- Eye movements during everyday behavior predict personality traits
- Facing aggression: cues differ for female versus male faces
- Facial Structure Is a reliable cue of aggressive behavior
- Estimating aggression from emotionally neutral faces
- Inferring whether officials are corruptible from looking at their faces.
- Assessing the Big Five personality traits using real-life static facial images
- The Functional Basis of Face Evaluation
- Facing a psychopath: Detecting the dark triad from emotionally-neutral faces, using prototypes from the Personality Faceaurus
- Similar neural responses predict friendship
Physiotype research
Third-party research papers
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Participants completed 12,447 valid questionnaires and uploaded 31,367 valid selfies. Using an artificial neural network, the researchers were able to predict all of their Big 5 traits to a statistically significant degree.
The initial sample included 25,202 participants who completed the questionnaire and uploaded a total of 77,346 photographs. The final combined dataset comprised 12,447 valid questionnaires and 31,367 associated photographs after the data screening procedures (below). The participants ranged in age from 18 to 60 (59.4% women, M = 27.61, SD = 12.73, and 40.6% men, M = 32.60, SD = 11.85).
The dataset was split randomly into a training dataset (90%) anda test dataset (10%) used to validate the prediction model. The validation dataset included the responses of 505 men who provided 1224 facial images and 740 women who provided 1913 images.
Due to the sexually dimorphic nature of facial features and certain personality traits (particularly extraversion1,67,68), all the predictive models were trained and validated separately for male and female faces.
12,447 participants provided 31,367 images of their face, and completed a self-report measure of the big 5.
The correlation coefficients between the self-report test scores and the scores predicted by the ANN ranged from 0.14 to 0.36
The highest correlations between observed and predicted personality scores were found for conscientiousness (0.360 for men and 0.335 for women) and the mean effect size was 0.243.
The associations were strongest for conscientiousness and weakest for openness.
For the Big Five traits, heritability coefficients reflecting the proportion of variance that can be attributed to genetic factors typically lie in the 0.30–0.60 range.
Finally, this appears to be the first study to achieve a significant prediction of openness to experience. Predictions of personality based on female faces appeared to be more reliable than those for male faces in our sample, in contrast to some previous studies40.
Variables that make this difficult:
Research into the links between facial picture cues and personality traits faces several challenges. First, the number of specific facial features is very large, and some of them are hard to quantify. Second, the effects of isolated facial features are generally weak and only become statistically noticeable in large samples. Third, the associations between objective facial features and personality traits might be interactive and nonlinear. Finally, studies using real-life photographs confront an additional challenge in that the very characteristics of the images (e.g., the angle of the head, facial expression, makeup, hairstyle, facial hair style, etc.) are based on the subjects’ choices, which are potentially influenced by personality; after all, one of the principal reasons why people make and share their photographs is to signal to others what kind of person they are. The real-life photographs we used could still carry a variety of subtle cues, such as makeup, angle, light facial expressions, and information related to all the other choices people make when they take and share their own photographs. These additional cues could say something about their personality, and the effects of all these variables are inseparable from those of static facial features, making it hard to draw any fundamental conclusions from the findings.
Theoretical reasons for this correlation:
- Genetic background contributes to both face and personality. The contribution of genes to some traits exceeds the contribution of environmental factors.
- There is some evidence showing that pre- and postnatal hormones affect both facial shape and personality.
- The perception of one’s facial features by oneself and by others influences one’s subsequent behaviour and personality
- some personality traits are associated with habitual patterns of emotionally expressive behaviour.
Potential Uses:
Given that partner personality and match between two personalities predict friendship formation63, long-term relationship satisfaction64, and the outcomes of dyadic interaction in unstructured settings65, the aid of artificial intelligence in making partner choices could help individuals to achieve more satisfying interaction outcomes.
The recognition of personality from real-life photos can be applied in a wide range of scenarios, complementing the traditional approaches to personality assessment in settings where speed is more important than accuracy.
Holistic Approach:
Even though the associations between isolated facial features and personality characteristics sought by ancient physiognomists have emerged to be weak, contradictory or even non-existent, the holistic approach to understanding the face-personality links appears to be more promising.
Correlation definition:
Correlation can be between -1 and +1.
A correlation of 1 indicates that every time A goes up 1 unit, B will definitely go up a specific fixed unit as well, everytime.
If the correlation is 0.5 that would indicate that if A goes up B goes up often enough that there is definitely a relationship.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Although modern science, if not folk psychology (3), has largely
discarded such notions, trait evaluations from faces predict important
social outcomes ranging from electoral success (4–6) to
sentencing decisions (7, 8).
Studies show that people rapidly evaluate
faces on multiple trait dimensions such as trustworthiness and
aggressiveness (9, 10). For example, trait judgments can be formed
after as little as 38-ms exposure to an emotionally neutral face (10).
Studies also show that the amygdala, a subcortical brain region
critical for fear conditioning and consolidation of emotional memories
(11), plays a key role in the assessment of face trustworthiness
(12–15). – Instinctual human behavior. Demonstrates that it benefits our survival and reproduction.
*Principal Component Analysis, or PCA, is a dimensionality-reduction method that is often used to reduce the dimensionality of large data sets, by transforming a large set of variables into a smaller one that still contains most of the information in the large set.
*What does Valence mean in psychology?
Valence, or hedonic tone, is the affective quality referring to the intrinsic attractiveness/”good”-ness (positive valence) or averseness/”bad”-ness (negative valence) of an event, object, or situation. The term also characterizes and categorizes specific emotions.
Methods –Although
people evaluate faces on multiple trait dimensions, these evaluations
are highly correlated with each other [supporting information
(SI) Fig. S1]. To identify the underlying dimensions of face evaluation,
we (i) identified traits that are spontaneously inferred from
emotionally neutral faces, (ii) collected judgments on these trait
dimensions, and (iii) submitted these judgments to a principal
components analysis (PCA). At the first stage of the project, we
asked 55 participants to generate unconstrained descriptions of
faces (study 1). These descriptions were then classified into trait
dimensions. Fourteen dimensions accounted for 68% of the 1,100
descriptions and were selected for subsequent analyses. Participants
(total n327; studies 2.1 to 2.15) were then asked to judge the same
neutral faces on these trait dimensions and dominance (Table S1).
Dominance was included because of the central importance of this
trait in models of interpersonal perception (19). For two of the
traits, the interrater agreement was very low, and they were not
included in the subsequent analyses. The judgments for the remaining
traits were highly reliable (Cronbach’s 0.90; Table S2).
- They had people describe the faces in whatever way they wanted and then classified the descriptions into different trait dimensions. 14 of the traits that most accounted for the descriptions were then selected.
The participants were then asked to rate the faces using these 14 traits plus dominance. 2 of the traits sucked so they removed them and used the rest.
All positive judgments (e.g., attractive,
responsible) had positive loadings, and all negative judgments (e.g.,
aggressive) had negative loadings on the first PC (Table S3),
suggesting that it can be interpreted as valence evaluation (20, 21).
Judgments of dominance, aggressiveness, and confidence had the
highest loading on the second PC, suggesting that it can be
interpreted as dominance evaluation (19). This 2D structure of face
evaluation is consistent with well established dimensional models of
social perception (19, 22, 23). For example, Wiggins et al. (19, 23),
starting with a large set of traits describing interpersonal relationships,
have shown that interpersonal perception can be described by
two orthogonal dimensions, affiliation and dominance, that are
similar to the dimensions identified here.
*The loadings with the same sign contribute within the component in the same way, while those with opposite sign still contribute to the component but in an opposed way. I.e. think about a component which captures athletes performance in short distance running, with three significant eigenvectors: 1. number of hours of training/week (hrs) 2. amount of energy available to burn/hour (kJ/hr) 3. last race time recorded (seconds/100 m). Our intuition is that all this three variables may be related to “race performance”, but while the 1st and the 2nd variable importance increases with larger values – the more training hours and energy available, the better -, for the 3rd variable the lower values are important, since performance in race is related to lower times /distance. C.
Using the face model, we randomly generated 300 emotionally
neutral faces (Fig. S5) and asked participants to judge them on
trustworthiness (study 3, n 29) and dominance (study 4, n 25).
Consistent with the prior findings, the correlation between the
mean trustworthiness and dominance judgments was low (0.17;
Table S5).
They made their own faces and predicted how people would rate them. Their predictions held true. They found that people were more sensitive at judging if someone was very untrustworthy-looking and weren’t as good at distinguishing someone who should look very trustworthy.
as shown in Fig. 1A, moving from the negative
(8 SD) to the positive (8 SD) extreme of the trustworthiness
dimension, faces seemed to change from expressing anger to
expressing happiness (Movie S1). Moving from the negative to
the positive extreme of the dominance dimension, faces seemed
to change from feminine and baby-faced to masculine and
mature-faced (Movie S2).
In contrast to the findings for the trustworthiness dimension,
dominance evaluation was weakly related to facial features
resembling emotional expressions (Fig. 2A). The only categorization
responses that were significantly higher than chance
(Table S7) were for neutral (4, 0, 4 SD), Fquadratic(1,18)
185.82, P 0.001, and fearful (8 SD). Extremely submissive
faces were classified as fearful.
They don’t talk about the eyebrows with dominance despite how obvious it seems.
it should be noted that the dimensional model is most
applicable to implicit face evaluation where no specific evaluative
context is provided (14). When a context makes a specific evaluative
dimension relevant (e.g., competence), decisions would be most
likely influenced by evaluations on this dimension. For example, in
electoral decisions, voters believe that competence is the most
important attribute for a politician and evaluations of competence
but not trustworthiness predict electoral success (4). Similarly, in
mating decisions, physical attractiveness could trump evaluations
on other dimensions, including trustworthiness (37). In other words,
in specific contexts, other dimensions of face evaluation may be
critical for decisions.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
There is ample evidence Homophily is an extremely common phenomenon among humans.
Heterophily is considerably more rare. Most studies interested in homophily have delved into the similarities inside groups as regards to visual demographics, and more recently some basic measurable behavior such as altruism.
Extraversion and Openness exhibit social assortativity. Meaning they are more similar among individuals who are friends rather than individuals who are not friends.
This research shows that neural response similarity when viewing a naturalistic audiovisual movie is higher the closer two individuals are in a social network. The brain areas where they say those most similarities where regions in the brain associated with attentional allocation, narrative interpretation, affective responding.
279 Students filled out questionnaires to determine the dynamic of the network. Of primary importance being whether two people mutually agreed they were friends. 42 Students participated in an experiment where they watched varied content on television while they received an FMRI scan. This results in 861 dyads. They measured 80 regions in the brain for each participant.
They equated for nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, and handedness, and went on to discuss how the experiment was conducted in such a way that they avoided all possible confounding variables.
The experiment revealed a significant effect of neural similarity. A dyad one SD more similar than the mean are 20% more likely to have social distance that is one unit shorter.
Neural Similarity significantly improves predictive power of models that only use observable demographic differences.
They compared these results to a similar model that did not include neural similarity. Neural similarity added significant predictive power in determining the social distance of two dyads.
Basically, what that means is, we already know that visual demographic properties are predictive of network distance between two dyads, and this study showed that even when you are using visual demographic properties already, the neural similarity data increases the predictive power of the model significantly.
Remove direct friend dyads to see if results are still good.
They also combined all non-friends into a single category and they still got great results. So basically they stopped comparing direct friends to see if neural similarities are predictive even when the people aren’t friends, and they found that yes, neural similarity predicts network distance even when no direct friends dyads are included in the data.
Network proximity is associated with neural similarity in these specific regions of the brain.
Ventral and dorsal striatum, including the right nucleus accumbens, right caudate nucleus, left caudate nucleus, left putamen right superior parietal lobule, left inferior parietal cortex.
Neural similarity difference across levels of social distance.
Distance 1,2,and 3 dyads are all fairly different in terms of neural similarity, and distances greater than 3 become uninteresting.
physiotype research
Chicago Face Database
This is the Physiotype Group’s first demonstration that the people that we visually categorize as the same physiotype do indeed share more physical traits in common with each other than with the average population.
Note: The subjects in this database were not given any psychological assessments. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that the Physiotype Group is categorizing people in a way that is consistent with their physical characteristics.
55 Traits
597 Subjects
We will assume a normal distribution (bell curve) on the Standard Deviation of all traits.
Given the null hypothesis what are the odds X type would have N many large effect sizes?
Odds of one large effect size given N number of subjects:
Odds of one large effect size given N number of subjects NOT OCCURING:
1 – (0.617^N)
Odds of NO large effect sizes given N number of subjects across 55 traits:
(1 – (0.617^N) )^55 = NO_LE
Odds of L large effect sizes given N number of subjects across 55 traits OCCURING:
(1 – NO_LE)^L
Odds of L number large effect sizes given N number of subjects across 55 traits.
A given subject/trait has a 61.7% chance of being 0.5 SDs away from the mean.
So with large effect sizes (> 0.5) the odds of an effect size that large occurring is calculated this way: 0.617^N where N is the number of subjects.
To calculate the odds of 1 large effect size NOT occurring for a sample group of N across 55 traits the calculation is: (1 – 0.617^N)^55
To calculate the odds of E number of large effect sizes NOT occurring for a sample group of N across 55 traits the calculation is: 1 – ( ( 0.617^N)^E )^55
Medium Effect Size (0.3) probability should be .7642
- 7 Large Effect Sizes
- 20 Subjects
- P = 1.0543824155787254e-24
- 13 Large Effect Sizes
- 6 Subjects
- P = 0.40575182198342474
- 3 Medium Effect Sizes
- 24 Subjects
- P = 0.0005714691014665099
- 9
- 19 Subjects
- 6.18154777905305e-21
- 2 Large Effect Sizes
- 39 Subjects
- P = 2.7877223202797796e-15
- 1 Medium Effect Sizes
- 103 Subjects
- P = 5.136557845730749e-11
- 1 Medium Effect Size
- 95 Subjects
- P = 4.4160231027490227e-10
- 1 Medium Effect Sizes
- 58 Subjects
- P = 9.254834370420184e-06
- 1 Large Effect Sizes ( Ugly Data )
- 12 Subjects
- P = 0.15436424527723158
- 26 Large Effect Sizes
- 4 Subjects
- P = 0.9952767443700024
- 2 Large Effect Sizes
- 20 Subjects
- P = 1.232063422789162e-05
- 24 Large Effect Sizes
- 1 Subjects
- P
- 9 Large Effect Sizes
- 20 Subjects
- P = 8.088142428767863e-23
- 4 Medium Effect Sizes
- 68 Subjects
- P = 1.5622958733646543e-25
- 1 Large Effect Sizes
- 61 Subjects
- P = 8.8662410746565e-12
- 6 Large Effect Sizes
- 43 Subjects
- P = 2.1664493350147776e-44
Psychopath spectrum study
This study involved analyzing facial features and voice qualities of subjects based upon which we
predicted their results to a particular psychopath test. The results of this test were very positive and
revealed our prediction rate to be ()? Better than random chance.
Using 24 subjects divided into a male and female group, we ranked the psychopathy level of each
subject based on their physiotype. Each subject then took a psychopath test based on the official Hare
psychopath checklist (HPCL-R). The subjects were divided into two groups. A high group and a low
group. The high group consisted of the highest scoring half among their gender. The low group consisted
of the lowest scoring half among their gender.
We used the same grouping technique for the subjects based on their actual results and based on their
predicted results. We then compared the predicted groupings to the actual groupings and found that
our level of accuracy was meaningful. Comparing both groupings we found that our predictions were ()%
better than random chance.
What can be gathered from this study is that it is indeed possible to on average accurately infer the
psychopathy level of a person based solely on their physiotype. Our physiotype specialist who ranked
the subjects had never seen these subjects before and the only information that the specialist was able
to view was a short video of the subject saying a sentence we designed to determine lisps and voice
quality of the subject.
There is ample evidence Homophily is an extremely common phenomenon among humans.
Heterophily is considerably more rare. Most studies interested in homophily have delved into the similarities inside groups as regards to visual demographics, and more recently some basic measurable behavior such as altruism.
Extraversion and Openness exhibit social assortativity. Meaning they are more similar among individuals who are friends rather than individuals who are not friends.
This research shows that neural response similarity when viewing a naturalistic audiovisual movie is higher the closer two individuals are in a social network. The brain areas where they say those most similarities where regions in the brain associated with attentional allocation, narrative interpretation, affective responding.
279 Students filled out questionnaires to determine the dynamic of the network. Of primary importance being whether two people mutually agreed they were friends. 42 Students participated in an experiment where they watched varied content on television while they received an FMRI scan. This results in 861 dyads. They measured 80 regions in the brain for each participant.
They equated for nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, and handedness, and went on to discuss how the experiment was conducted in such a way that they avoided all possible confounding variables.
The experiment revealed a significant effect of neural similarity. A dyad one SD more similar than the mean are 20% more likely to have social distance that is one unit shorter.
Neural Similarity significantly improves predictive power of models that only use observable demographic differences.
They compared these results to a similar model that did not include neural similarity. Neural similarity added significant predictive power in determining the social distance of two dyads.
Basically, what that means is, we already know that visual demographic properties are predictive of network distance between two dyads, and this study showed that even when you are using visual demographic properties already, the neural similarity data increases the predictive power of the model significantly.
Remove direct friend dyads to see if results are still good.
They also combined all non-friends into a single category and they still got great results. So basically they stopped comparing direct friends to see if neural similarities are predictive even when the people aren’t friends, and they found that yes, neural similarity predicts network distance even when no direct friends dyads are included in the data.
Network proximity is associated with neural similarity in these specific regions of the brain.
Ventral and dorsal striatum, including the right nucleus accumbens, right caudate nucleus, left caudate nucleus, left putamen right superior parietal lobule, left inferior parietal cortex.
Neural similarity difference across levels of social distance.
Distance 1,2,and 3 dyads are all fairly different in terms of neural similarity, and distances greater than 3 become uninteresting.
Find Out Your Personality Type
Having trouble figuring out your Physiotype? Want to see if your Physiotype matches your MBTI or Socionics type?